Sneak Preview: 1930s 1940s Shoes

Probably like most of you, I have a serious "issue" (addiction, lust - call it whatever you want) with shoes...mine just seems to focus on beauties from the 1930s/1940s - oh the lines, the detailing, the superb construction (most are still very wearable - and danceable - even though they're 70+ years old!).  And, like a proud parent, I wanted to show off a couple of pairs that are new to my ever growing shoe family.

 An amazing pair of 1930s Art Deco pumps.  The upturned/squared toe on these almost makes me cry with joy.  I have such a "shoe crush" on these that I carried them around with everywhere I went for a couple of days after I got them (yes, I know...strange).

A striking pair of late 1930s/early 1940s fire engine red peep toes.  While a fairly common style, the color and the beaded detailing make these special.

I haven't yet decided if these lovelies will go into the shop or into the vault of 1920s-1940s goodies collected for our booth at this year's Eastern Balboa Championships event.


  1. I've been meaning to go back to this post for couple days I just love these shoes...they look new, what pristine condition!!! I share your love for these shoes and have yet to keep a pair for myself as haven't found the right fit, maybe this is the year? hope so.

    1. Fit is the issue for me too! I can't tell you how many times I've been tempted to cut off a few toes to fit into a pair a beauties. Perhaps the shoe gods will be kind to both of us this year.
