Confessions of a Vintage Shoe Hoarder

Yep, it's true...I admit it publicly...I am a hoarder of vintage shoes.

While I was gathering some shoes and boots for a photo to decorate the vintage shoe section of the new shop, I found SO SO many amazing pairs of shoes sitting on my shelves - like sculpture.  With just a few exceptions, none of these shoes fit me.  I'm not sure why this happens...I just fall in love with so much of the vintage I find and it has to be "mine" for just a bit (ok, sometimes years) before I pass it along to others to love.   Although at first glance a shoe is a shoe, there's actually a different personality in each pair...the defiant solidity of a 1940s heel, the sexy curves of an early 1950s pump, the glamour of a 1930s dance shoe, the femininity of a 1960s stiletto, the flirtiness of a 1920s kitten heel...    I find myself wondering about the owner of each pair of shoes.   Oh to talk a mile in someone else's (vintage) shoes!

Seriously...1920s t-straps, 1930s satin dance sandals, 1930s and 1940s boots, 1940s platforms, all sorts of 1950s and 1960s many shoes adorning my shelves simply because I love looking at them.  Many of you would probably chastise me for being a bad vintage dealer (dealers are after all supposed to actually sell vintage).  I guess there is a very fine line between a collector and a dealer.

I'm putting myself on a "vintage diet" and I PROMISE that I'll be letting go of some of the spectacular pieces and finding good new homes for them.   So, look for all of these shoes (save the 1940s red snake skin platforms on the end...those are actually my size) and many, many more to be in the shop very soon!

Really, feel free to call me out on this if there aren't more shoes flowing into the shop soon.

And soon we'll talk about my vintage purse hoarding....


  1. Bad Girl! ;) I would do the same thing. Now get out there and find me some cute shoes!

    1. Watcha need...I probably already have it! :-)
